Another very yummy and delicious Piadiana Flat Bread will add some more flavour to you day. to prepare it needs 45 min, and you require 2-3 min to cook and you will serve four to six people, all you need is :
A heaped teaspoon of salt for seasoning 15 g (½ oz) of Baking powder 100g (4 oz) of pork lard 1 kg (2.2 lb) of white flour (Italian “00” flour or equivalent)

Spread flour on flatboard make a well , put salt and baking powder and add lard in the flour, if you have kept in freezer then dont forget to take out a night before. Take some hot water, put very small quantity on to the lard, and make it melt. Make sure the lard is melted, now start working the dough . It should be externally smooth, should not be too hard too soft, now wrap it in muslin, and put plastic bag. Now take a small ball, flat it with rolling pin. All the side should have same thickness and make it clockwise. Now piadina is ready, take a flat pan put it on cooker. Put it on the pan, you ill see a few bubbles make ure the surface is flat. Then check bottom surface should be of light brown colour now turn other side. Now the piadina is all ready.Cut it into slices. Now place dry cured ham or coppa over piadina. Wonderful Piadiana Flat Bread is ready.
A heaped teaspoon of salt for seasoning 15 g (½ oz) of Baking powder 100g (4 oz) of pork lard 1 kg (2.2 lb) of white flour (Italian “00” flour or equivalent)

Spread flour on flatboard make a well , put salt and baking powder and add lard in the flour, if you have kept in freezer then dont forget to take out a night before. Take some hot water, put very small quantity on to the lard, and make it melt. Make sure the lard is melted, now start working the dough . It should be externally smooth, should not be too hard too soft, now wrap it in muslin, and put plastic bag. Now take a small ball, flat it with rolling pin. All the side should have same thickness and make it clockwise. Now piadina is ready, take a flat pan put it on cooker. Put it on the pan, you ill see a few bubbles make ure the surface is flat. Then check bottom surface should be of light brown colour now turn other side. Now the piadina is all ready.Cut it into slices. Now place dry cured ham or coppa over piadina. Wonderful Piadiana Flat Bread is ready.
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