Franca- the host and one of the most wonderful cooks |
Once again I find myself at a loss for words. This Christmas was the first Christmas I faced myself away from my family. Although I had not really thought about this towards the lead up to Christmas, once I was amongst my friends all discussing their plans I had a longing sensation to be close to the ones I love. I had originally planned to spend the day with people like myself, people away from their families. However, I was overwhelmed with my Italian friends generosity to include me in their celebrations. One friend in particular, Claudia, who's generosity continues to surprise me, insisted that I join her family for Christmas day. She would not take no for an answer and insisted I be with a family on Christmas day- and in a sense I consider to be my family away from home. This family I have spent many Sunday's with, the host Franca is such welcoming person with a warm spirit, not to mention she is a sensational cook. She also loves to talk about cooking with me- one of the only proper conversations I can have in Italian!
The table was set for twelve in elegant style, the lunch kicked of at 12:30 and included the intermediate family...and myself. I was sat at the centre of the table, to me one of the best seats in the house. A speech was made in my honour by the Uncle welcoming me on Christmas day, which actually brought tears to my eyes. I don't have the words to describe what a heart felt and special Christmas day I had without sounding cheesy. Franca had gone to extensive lengths to create about fifteen different plates, an endless stream of food just kept arriving. The lunch lasted for a good few hours with many heated topics discussed. Including the typical subjects usually discussed by Italian's: food, sex and politics, or until the Grandmother proclaimed that it is Christmas day and politics should not be spoken off (sex and food are ok). We discussed some of the cultural differences between Italy and my home country, Australia. I was taken aback by the declaration that in their opinion I am an inspiration for the woman in Italy. In the sense that I am independent, I have had a successful career, I have travelled, a dream for many young Italian's, not only women. They were impressed that whether we like her or not, in Australia have a woman Prime Minister. I also had an interesting conversation with Cinzia, who once learnt of this blog, was concerned that I was portraying the wrong impression of Italy. Once we spoke about it's contents she approved that I am writing about Italy in an informative, positive light.
The lunch progressed into the evening, finishing with sweets and prosecco, coffee and limoncello. Once the formalities of the procession of food finished, everyone excitedly exchanged presents. My cute little parcel from Claudia revealed a raunchy g-string and matching nipple tassels- needless to say I was rather embarrassed to receive this present at the table. Once the excitement of the day wound up it was time to say good-bye, many sincere hugs were given with the pretense of hopefully seeing each again soon.
My girlfriends Claudia and Serena had previously committed to staying at my house on Christmas night, so I would not spend the night alone. I was more than happy with this commitment and was touched at their thought for me. Once the word got out that the three of us were having a 'slumber party', it was clear that it we were not going to be alone. As I live on the main street in Viareggio and most people take a stroll in the evening, my doorbell just kept ringing. My Italian friends all rallied together to come and keep the girl from Oz company. Before I knew it, there was about twenty people, and two Labrador's in my small apartment. The night consisted of eating and drinking the limited supplies I had in my house for the unplanned party, being serenaded to, dancing on chairs, singing karaoke and just having a good merry time. I really had a moment where I just sat back in silence and observed the situation, how lucky I am to have these amazingly kind people in my life. Also a moment of realisation that I have made it here, what more could I ask for? I am so happy at this moment in my life, that I sometimes wonder when this bubble will burst? Is this a pessimistic was of looking at life? For now at least, I am grateful for my happiness. I am not so grateful at the state my house was left in!
This Christmas was definitely a day I will remember until my memory will not allow me to do so!
I hope your Christmas day was filled with even half as much love as mine,
Kara xx

starters- pear with Gorgonzola and pistachio nuts |
'zampone' (stuffed pig's trotter) with lentils |
pecorino cheese with honey |
Pandoro decorated and filled with homemade limoncello cream |
my friend Claudia |
opening the 'naughty' gifts after lunch
Alessio and Cinzia open their presents
My 'last minute' Christmas table set awaiting my guests |
Aaron arrive after his long shirt at work |
a have a slight affection for this liquor- Amaro
the cooking utensils came out for Karaoke- and it was NOT my idea! |
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