Preparation time: 40 minutes. Serves 4 people (depending on the size of the chicken)

This is a yummy, typically-Italian variation of the famous Pollo alla Cacciatora recipe. The recipe is also extremely easy and fast to prepare - you will only need few minutes and then let it cook for 30 minutes!
- 1 free-range Chicken or chopped free-range chicken pieces
- 100 gr Parma ham
- half glass red wine
- sage, rosemary, E-V olive oil, onion
Take a saucepan, add 7 tbsp E-V olive oil and 2 garlic cloves with their skin and put it over medium-low heat. Add the chicken pieces and continue cooking, stirring them about so as to brown all sides (5 minutes per side).

Once the ten minutes is up stir the wine into the pot and cook over a brisk flame until the wine evaporates. Dust with freshly ground pepper and salt on each side of the meat.

When the wine has evaporated (i.e. when you don't smell alcohol in the air anymore), add the chopped herbs (8 leaves of sage and some rosemary) and the chopped ham (see pictures).

Mix well, cover, reduce the flame to a low simmer, and cook for 30 minutes, stirring, over a low flame until the meat is fork tender; should things look like they're beginning to stick down, add a little water.

The dish is ready. This is what I call a mouth-watering recipe: the fat of the chicken melts with the fried and crunchy Parma ham making the perfect sauce... yes, yes, yes!
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