Fall and Halloween

I haven't done any cookie decorating in a long time. I miss it. I love doing it. So why don't I do it more? A little thing called time. Lack of it, that is. But lately I have come to the conclusion that to do what I enjoy I have to reset my priorities. Make the time. Let other things go that are not as important- to me at least. 

So here is my first batch in my months. Fall is just starting to understand that it's time to arrive where I live. We have fall for , well, maybe a week if we're lucky, then comes our version of winter. Nothing like what I grew up with, but still different -cooler( thank you, thank you, thank you!)than the unbearable summer here. 

I'm already working on the next set- a celebration of a very special little girl. That to come next week.
In the meantime- it's good to be back!
