Delicious and naturally Gluten Free, this dish is the perfect entrée for a healthy meal. A delicate flavour that you can enrich with your favourite sauces and herbs.
Although many of us think of millet just as bird-food, it's not just for the birds. Millet is a delicious grain that can accompany many types of food and is available in markets throughout the year at very affordable prices. Here we present it as an entrée, suitable to introduce both a seafood or meat meal. You can also use it in a cous-cous-like way and make great tabuleh with it, as well as winter soups.
Below a sample recipe to a great millet based entrée. Being so delicate in taste, millet lats you play around and experiment matching it with different veggies, herbs and spices.

Ingredients (serves about 4)
- 200 g millet
- 500 ml boiling water or stock
- 10 zucchini flowers
- 1 tbsp curcuma
- 1 tbsp fennel seeds
- salt&pepper to taste
- chives
- 2 teaspoons Extra Vergin Olive Oil
- your favourite dressing (we used worcester sauce)
1. Wash millet with cold water, drain it and pour in into a hot pot with the olive oil. Cook on a medium to high fire for about three minutes.
2. Add 500ml of boiling water (or stock), add salt and let it boil for about 20 minutes, the turn fire off and let it cool down for ten minutes. This is when the millet absorbs the water/stock and gets nice and puffy.
3. Drain the millet and sauté in a hot fry-pan with curcuma and fennel seeds for a few minutes. Add salt&pepper if needed, add zucchini flowers (previously cleaned) mix it well all together the turn fire off.
4. Divide portions, sprinkle chives and add a splash of worcester sauce right before serving. (We used moulds to craft cylinders and make it look prettier, see picture).
Keep the sauce to a splash, you don't want to use too much.
Match it with
We had it with a glass of Torbato delle cantine Sella e Mosca, a fantastic white wine from Sardinia.
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