Merry Christmas from our home to yours.
We send you warm wishes on a cold and wet Oregon morning. It's that time of year when we feel rushed and joyous all at the same time -as we spin in circles preparing for the wonderful memories that we will share with our family and friends.
Which made me want to share some food for thought...
Yesterday I was reminded by Darren Hardy (publisher of Success magazine) That all gifts don't come wrapped with a bow.
He said; Think about the things you want more of in life... then GIVE those things.
He made it perfectly clear that he's not talking about an Xbox or George Foreman grill.
He went on to say...
Want Courage? Encourage.
Want Hope? Give Hope.
Want Love? Give Love.
Want Success? Help someone else become successful.
and he ended with... You will be surprised at how the giving process initiates the receiving.
He stated so simply what we all seem to complicate.
We send you Courage, Hope, Love and Success this holiday season and look forward to sharing these gifts in 2015.
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